Sunday 23 May 2010

My Lil' Lush Stash !

Hello People :)

What is wrong with me lately ? I can't stop blogging.It's becoming an obsession! Ah well I'm not complaining :)
So over the last month or so I've been collecting abit of lush here and there and just wanted to share my buys with you.

So here's my little stash of goodies:)

From left to right: Rockstar soap,Yummy yummy yummy shower gel and Honey I washed the kids soap.

I bought Rockstar and honey i washed the kids soap after hearing a lot about them on YouTube. And now i understand why these two products are so popular. i did have a look at all the soap but these two defiantly stood out for me. My absolute favourite is Honey i washed the kids. It smells of honey(obviously), vanilla and caramel and sometimes i actually just want to eat it. The only thing is i don't find the scent as strong after you've used it but it lathers really nice and is creamy on the skin.Lately I've been using Rockstar soap a lot.I don't quite know how to describe the smell other than sweet and girly. It also stays on your skin forever! Which is kinda distracting when your at work and keep finding yourself constantly sniffing your arm lol :)
Yummy yummy yummy isn't a stand out product from Lush. It's nice to have but isn't very unique. It smells of strawberries which is lovely but it leaves your skin with that squeaky clean feeling which i don't really like tbh as I have very dry skin and eczema :/

From left to right: Bubblegum lip scrub and Mint Julips lip scrub.

I love the formula's of these lip scrubs(even if they are just sugar in pot I'm way too lazy to even think of making it at home). They get all your dry,chapped skin off you lips and leaves your lips lovely and smooth. I actually don't like the taste of the Bubblegum one but i really like the Mint Julips. Not only does it give you smooth kissable lips but it also gives you that plumping sensation. These products are also great if you need a sugar rush as i probably eat more than i apply to my lips :)
Half of a Creamy candy bar and The Comforter.
Ermm.. I don't really know what to say about these except these products give me reason to have a bath.. I'm not really a bath person I'd much prefer to jump in my power shower jump out and get on with the rest of the day. Baths to me are just a bore!! But i did buy these products to get into the bath craze and i have to say it has worked. i just crumble these products under running water and let the fun commence. Both these products create mountains of bubbles although it would be even more fun if they were pink bubbles (but owell you can't have it all!!) The creamy candy bar smells like Rockstar soap which is why i got it. and the comforter smells of blackcurrant sweets and is so visually pleasing.So these beauties shall be a repurchase for sure!
From left to right: Angels on bare skin cleanser,Eau Roma Water toner and Skindrink moisturiser.
So tbh i didn't know lush did skincare and i have the most terrible skin so i thought i might as well try it as i have nothing to lose:/
So i said to the Lush Girl
" Right i have dry combination skin. I get really oily on my T-zone but really dry everywhere else. I also have acne prone skin and tend to get red blotchyness around my nose and on my cheeks.. I also have eczema which gives me patches of really dry skin at the bottom my cheeks.. Oh and i have very sensitive skin.What do you recommend?" LOL

So after giving her minute to take in my list of skin problems she recommended me these three products. I think i might actually do a video or another blog post on these so i can give a more in depth review of these products for any of you who have some or maybe all the problems listed above.I'll also recommend some other skincare products Lush have to offer if you are wanting to get into Lush Skincare.
So i guess that's it i will try get the skincare blog or video done asap! Do comment if you have any other questions about any of the products! And Check out my Youtube channel Now !! :)

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